
Perfecting Love

Perfecting Love

July 5, 2020

Jack Kornfield said that a spiritual practice “isn’t about perfecting yourself, it’s about perfecting your love.” With this in mind, how might negative self talk be a misguided form of love?

Aiming for Better: Unpacking White Privilege & Anti-Racism

Aiming for Better: Unpacking White Privilege & Anti-Racism

June 21, 2020

I’ve spent the last 34 years using the “but I’m a good person” defense or silently avoiding confrontation. Now I can see that I’ve been using good intentions as a crutch to uphold systemic racism and white privilege.

On Grief

On Grief

September 29, 2018

When we love fiercely, we also fear deeply for those who hold our hearts.  We give them a piece of ourselves that we can’t take back.

I’m Charlotte

I’m originally American and have spent the last several years living in Australia. I’m naturally curious and tend to live my life by trying things out and learning as I go.

In the last several years, these experiments include quitting my corporate job to travel around the world solo, meeting my now-husband in Portugal, moving to Australia, shifting my career, starting my own business, battling anxiety and imposter syndrome and moving into my dream role.

I process things through writing and aim to use words to capture authentic human moments, including all the messiness and complexity that comes with them.